Shows in interesting places, some already happened…!

It’s nearing the end of February, I have been trying to run this website for nearly a year and am still not getting it updated on time…! Erm.. So yesterday Sprank and me played at the AZ in Aachen, Germany. Diskursiv Aachen organised the night as a benefit event for the WAA kollektif from Düren. The WAA are supporting the occupation of the Hambacher Forst, where brave activists are trying out different tactics, to stop the RWE mine from destroying the forest. For everyone who wasn’t at the AZ in Aachen, because I didn’t update this on time, here’s an impression of last night:




I went with Sprank to Maastricht the morning after, where they were invited to play at the wonderful 2.Dh5 festival. (Right now I’m in a workshop about Transnational Activism, trying to update this and listen at the same time)

Tonight I might play here, we will see. Sprank will definitely play, and my mate James ‘Bar’ Bowen as well!

Later tonight I will play a livingroom-show in The Hague, in a great squatted house that is celebrating their 6th anniversary. Next week I will play at De Vinger, with Red Dwarf and Almudena y Davide! It’s on the 27th of February, that’s a saturday!