July 6th: Ground Control Action Camp

The Climate Games 2015 have kicked off in Amsterdam this week, with a full diy program of teams playing different games and using different tactics to stop the coal industry.

From their website: ‘Amsterdam is often portrayed as a green city, with its bicycle paths, renewable energy initiatives and “smart” technologies. However, kept out of sight (and apparently out of mind) away from the city centre lies Amsterdam’s western harbour. The western harbour is home to some of the most polluting and harmful industries in the world. The western harbour is the biggest coal port in Europe, the largest petrol port in the world after Rotterdam and the largest importer of soy in the EU.’

The Ground Control Action Camp is set up near this polluting port and after a day of games the evening program will try to bring people together to discuss the day, have a drink, and listen to and play music.

I will be there on Monday the 6th and my friends Sprank, The Bucket Boyz and Momma Swift and quite possibly some other usual suspects will come along to play during the week.